What are the benefits of using calendula for skin

Do you have sensitive skin? Perhaps you experience rashes, redness, or frequent reactions to skincare? Maybe your skin feels tight and dry, crossed with fine lines— or dehydrated from the winter temperatures.

If this is you, you’re going to want to add Calendula to your skincare routine. Calendula’s benefits make it a natural ally for damaged and dehydrated skin as well as very sensitive complexions.

Calendula is a marigold flower traditionally used to heal skin ailments. Its orange petals hold oils and flavonoids: organic compounds that work as antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and restoring agents for the skin.

What are Calendula’s benefits for skincare?

5 Calendula benefits for skin

As with all organic vegan natural skin care, using calendula has many benefits- especially for dry, dehydrated, and sensitive skin.

1. Calendula is a hero moisturiser.

Thanks to its fatty acids (linoleic oil, to be precise), Calendula is the best skincare for sensitive, dry skin. Unlike water-based products, these oils sink into the skin and help your cells absorb and retain moisture longer. Goodbye dehydrated skin, hello smooth and supple complexion.

2. Calendula calms inflammation.

People have long known that Calendula’s benefits include soothing the inflammation of allergies, breakouts and mild skin conditions. How it works: its natural components keep your body from making histamine. That means it gently stops the cycle of inflammation without any more stress.

3. Calendula protects you from environmental damage.

The flavonoids in this flower act as an antioxidant. They stop destructive free radicals (from pollution, smoking, or diet) from ageing and pigmenting your cells. 

4. Calendula rejuvenates your skin.

Thanks to flavonoids and fatty acids, Calendula for ageing skin is a must. The plant acts to protect your cells’ ability to create collagen and elastin (the youth skin components). Calendula benefits also include visibly smoothing and plumping up your skin in the short term.

5. Calendula helps heal sensitive skin.

Sensitive skin issues can include scars from breakouts, rashes that don’t fully go away, hyperpigmentation, and irritation wounds. Calendula cream uses include increasing oxygen-rich blood flow to the skin. This extra nourishment helps heal wounds faster and with less scarring or pigmentation.

Calendula: Best skincare for sensitive dry skin

If you want to make use of these natural calendula benefits for skin healing, you need to look for organic skincare made with clean ingredients.

Our best natural products for redness and irritated skin:

  • Nourished Skin Co's Organic Calendula Cream Balm: packed with nutrients, this calendula cream uses the natural benefits of this flower to soothe your skin. This eco-friendly formula is lightweight, non-irritating, and multifunctional You can use Nourished Skin Co's Calendula balm to heal sensitive skin areas, scars and mild skin conditions. If you’re looking for gifts for new mums and bub, it’s perfect: restores cracked nipples and stretch marks, prevents nappy rash, and helps your baby sleep.
  • Nourished Skin Co's Nourished Man Balm: the ideal men's skincare for sensitive skin containing all the organic calendula benefits. Unlike most men's grooming products, this balm prevents irritation, using certified organic ingredients to soothe and repair dry skin. Use it to promote healthy skin and beard growth, and keep the beard rash away!

If you’re looking for the best skincare for dehydrated skin, Calendula is your ally. Calendula’s benefits for sensitive skin make it great in gifts for new mum and bub, men’s skincare, and overall protective moisturising. Shop our organic, vegan, natural skincare and find the best clean products for dry and sensitive skin.